除夕前最后的折腾 Scrotal Vice China tour 2018

发表于 讨论求助 2023-05-18 23:00:13

澳洲“极端术后强力碾核”乐队Scrotal Vice 中国巡演2018不止有他们,现场还有“沙滩之王”脸基尼,人气旺盛的朋克乐队DUMMY TOYS以及热血男孩“喝酒突击队”,够折腾了吧,大家请为摆脱青岛最后的一点土摇气息出一把力,2018会更好!!!!!

时间:2018 1.17 晚:9点



Scrotal Vice (碎蛋钳)介绍


 听说过“极端手术后遗症式强力碾核”吗?Scrotal Vice(碎蛋钳)这个从2013年起就没听止过捣蛋的悉尼碾核马戏团一直用他们喜欢的碾核,硬核,金属和朋克元素鼓捣出这种奇怪的风格,并且加入了合成器调料,戴上在日本买的面具。

在发行了2张极其操蛋的EP和不知道多少场澳洲本土的现场大乱斗之后,Scrotal Vice决心要带着他们标志性的虐鸡(鸡)实验到亚洲。2015年冬天他们就袭击过台湾,中国大陆和日本。

不过自打那以后Scrotal Vice就突然销声匿迹了,最近一次短暂活动也只是在澳洲-纽西兰的第三张EP <HUMANIMAL(人类牲畜)>巡演。此外坊间有听闻他们之中的一个怪胎开始在中国生活了,并且加入了北京的fastcore乐队Struggle Session(我才不会告诉你那是谁)。更有不肯具名的目击者称在日本大阪的硬核传奇乐队PALM中间的到了SV队员的身影;还有悉尼的前卫爵士/放克乐迷十分确凿地声称嗅到了这些怪胎们的臭味重归地下舞台。

现在我们终于可以负责地说,经过了两年暗无天日的时光,Scrotal Vice终于走出了混沌重新决定要开始新的亚洲之行。料想上一次被他们“宠幸过”的演出场地也应该清理好各种崩坏的狼藉,各位不明真相的观众们也应该从他们的手术现场伤愈复活了吧!那么这次就在2018年的一月,Scrotal Vice杂碎们要袭击中国,南韩,日本20个场地,带来他们和上一次一起捣蛋的众多乐队合作的新合辑。




Scrotal Vice Intro

Formed in 2013, Sydney's Scrotal Vice have created their own schizophrenic niche of 'Extreme Post-Op Power Grind' by throwing their favourite elements of grind, hardcore, metal & punk into a blender, adding an unhealthy dose of synth, putting on some stupid masks & keeping at least themselves entertained.

After 2 EPs and too many shows in their native Australia, Scrotal Vice decided to take their brand of testicular abuse to Asia, and in late 2015 embarked on a tour of Taiwan, Mainland China and Japan.

Since then, the mysterious Scrotal Vice has rarely been seen. There are rumors that one of them is living in China, playing in the Beijing fastcore band Struggle Session. There have also been reported sightings of another SV member on stage with Osaka hardcore legends Palm. In 2016 they briefly came back above ground for an Australia-New Zealand tour and to release their HUMANIMAL EP.

Now, in January 2018, Scrotal Vice will be coming back from obscurity to embark on a brand new Asia tour. The venues have finally scraped up all the gory mess that was left behind last time, and the audience has almost recovered from all the surgery that was required: the scene is set for Scrotal Vice to return. This time they will be mutilating 20 venues throughout China, South Korea and Japan, bringing a compilation CD featuring rare and unreleased tracks of bands they met on their last Asian assault.

 This January 2018 is the MATING SEASON.







不喜光照 无心弄潮 爱恨平分 青岛制造 --沙滩之王脸基尼

occupy the beach ,you’ll never know my face

we are the facekinis,we paly funny hardcore,your life more hardcore than us


Roister Commamdo喝酒突击队

四人是从小玩到大的酒肉朋友,平均每月600瓶啤酒起喝,故此得名“喝酒突击队”。喜欢COBRA,SA,THE BLUE HEARTS这样的朋克音乐。


        Like always, good beer and good music at DMC! Come and have fun with us!

地址:青岛市市北区“新都心”黑龙江南路2号万科中心 乙 1-14 迷你岛超市西南侧 双山地铁站A口向南走到汉堡王路口右转 迷你岛超市西南侧


Address:Room 1-14 Vanke Center, No.2 Heilongjiang South Road, (Southwest side of the Ministop Supermarket), Xinduxin, Shibei District, Qingdao. 


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